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Ameen Musharakah Running Finance
Corporate Banking
Shirkat-ul-Aqd based Musharakah allows customers to utilize Musharakah financing to meet their cash operating cycle days on daily need basis and thus pay profit to UBL Ameen on daily product basis at outstanding day end balance.

Ameen Musharakah Running Finance

Shirkat-ul-Aqd based Musharakah allows customers to utilize Musharakah financing to meet their cash operating cycle days on daily need basis and thus pay profit to UBL Ameen on daily product basis at outstanding day end balance.

Product Features

Financing Type: Ameen Musharakah Running Finance (AMRF)
Target Market Corporate/Commercial/SME
Purpose Working capital requirements
Tenure Max: 365 days
Min: 30 days
Mode of Payment: Quarterly
Documentation Fee: At Actual