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Account Opening at Dukan
UBL Omni

Account Opening at Dukan

How to open a UBL Omni Biometric (Level 1) Account - for individuals only

  • Visit nearby UBL OMNI Dukaan and provide Biometric thumb Impression
  • Instant account will be activated (subject to NADRA verification through biometric)
  • Customer will submit initial deposit amount, i.e. Rs.100 (minimum) to UBL Omni Agent
  • Customer will receive SMS from "8257" informing them that their account has been Opened
  • Customer shall call 111-825-777 to set his/her PIN

Biometric Level 1 Limits

Daily Monthly Annually Maximum Account Balance Limit
Rs. 50,000 Rs. 80,000 Rs. 800,000 Rs. 400,000

How to Upgrade Omni Account

Customer can upgrade UBL Omni from Non-Biometric Level 0 to Biometric Level 1 Account by following these simple steps:

  • Visit nearby UBL Omni Dukaan with original CNIC
  • UBL Omni Agent validates the customer's existing account credentials against provided mobile number
  • UBL Omni Agent asks customer for his/her biometric verification
  • Upon successful biometric verification (subject to NADRA confirmation), the customer account is upgraded to biometric L-1 account
  • Upon activation of UBL Omni Account, customer will receive a confirmation SMS from "8257"

Customer can open UBL Omni Level-2 Account by following the below steps:

  • Customer visits the nearby UBL Omni Dukaan or UBL Branch for Level-2 account registration
  • In case of visiting UBL Omni Dukaan, customer will be assisted in registering biometrically for L-1 account and UBL Omni sales team will be aligned for customer’s Level-2 Upgrade
  • Customer can also visit the branch for submission of Level-2 Account Opening Form
  • Upon successful verification by bank staff, customer’s duly filled and signed Account Opening Form is submitted with respective department for processing
  • The account opening form is processed by the bank as per regulations and customer is notified of the registration status by the UBL Omni Contact Center