You’re applying for

UBL Freelancer Account

Your details are secure
First, tell us about the type of account you want.
What is your banking preference?
Question 2 / 3
Select the currency for your account.
You can choose only 1 currency for your account.
Question 2 / 4
What type of account would you like?
Question 2 / 3
Select the currency for your ESFCA.
Along with UBL Freelancer PKR account, UBL will also be opening your Exporter’s Special Foreign Currency account (ESFCA) whereby your freelancer remittances would be retained in foreign currency as per prevailing regulatory guidelines. Select the currency for your ESFCA
Question 2 / 3
Select your debit card.
Would you like a debit card to use with this account?
The cost of your debit card will be as per SOC (Schedule of charges).
Question 3 / 5
Would you like a cheque book to use with this account?
Question 3 / 3
Select your preferred branch.
Search for a branch closest to you, using one of the two options below.
Branch Name